Transcultural Medicine
The Trans-Cultural Medicine/Community Medicine (TCM) Curriculum is a philosophical centerpiece of the AFMR. It represents a strong commitment to community medicine and training, with particular attention to cultural diversity with all of its nuances. Components of TCM and Community Medicine include introduction to integrative models of care and healing, wilderness medicine and survival skills, environmental medicine, occupational medicine, nutrition, herbal medicine, motivational interviewing techniques, health promotion, disease prevention, as well as introduction to the Alaska and other health care delivery systems. During the Trans-Cultural Medicine and Community Medicine block rotations, the residents will attend didactic lectures and work with physicians, a wide-range of health and medical professionals, public health department personnel, and other residents and in a variety of local community settings in urban and rural Alaska. As part of this rotation, subject matter and exercises geared toward enhancing gender and cultural sensitivity and awareness will be utilized which strongly align with the overall behavioral science curriculum. TCM builds a foundation of knowledge that serves as preparation for the 6-week immersion experience where residents receive hands-on experience practicing family medicine in a remote rural location (see Rural Rotation).