Much of our cardiology curriculum is longitudinal. Residents are exposed to many acute and chronic cardiac disease processes including CHF, cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, and valvular heart disease in the routine care of continuity patients at the Providence Family Medicine Center. Residents help to see patients in a weekly walk-in cardiology clinic and work alongside cardiologists in a short block style cardiology experience.
Acute cardiology topics, like acute coronary syndromes, arrhythmias, new onset CHF are covered during our ER rotations and Family Medicine inpatient service, and focused on during SIMS labs, where code scenarios are practiced. Additionally, a cardiologist comes to our family medicine call-room nearly weekly to give impromptu teaching on salient topics and, of course, our weekly didactic sessions are also periodically dedicated to cardiology, including journal club and expert lecturers.